Hi, I'm Natalia. So excited to Meet you. 


I’m a yoga teacher, here to help you form healthy habits.

We will mix things up, challenge you and get you excited about your yoga practice again.

Let's give you a spark (both mentally and physically) and help you build momentum and consistency.

How did I get here?

The official bio: I've been a yoga teacher for 8 years, clocking in 3,000 hours of teaching. I've helped people of all skill levels and abilities along the way.

The backstory: Once I got my first yoga teacher certification, I realized the 9-5 routine wasn't my thing. I craved flexibility and freedom, so I opted to change my path and pursue my passion.

With a decent payout, I had endless possibilities, but I found myself unsure of what to do next. One thing was certain: the typical corporate grind lost its appeal.

That's when yoga came in. It was my reliable companion, offering strength, flexibility, and that peaceful feeling post-session that makes life easier to handle.

Without hesitation (and no real plan to teach yoga because public speaking wasn't exactly my forte), I decided to dive into the world of yoga teaching.

yoga has found me to teach self-Compassion

What started as curiosity quickly turned into a deep interest and then became a true passion.

II started practising yoga in 2008 after looking for dance classes. That's when I stumbled upon Ashtanga yoga. If you're familiar with the style, you'll know its immediate pull. I quickly fell in love with the practice—the physical demands and the mental fortitude it cultivates.

In 2016, I got certified to teach yoga, but let's face it, after my first 200-hour yoga training, it's not exactly like I had a line of eager clients banging down my door.

My goal was simple: build teaching hours and improve my skills. Little did I know, this leap of faith would lead me to discover my true passion.

Since then, I've expanded my education with an extra 336 hours of training.

In 2019, I launched www.nataliarennie.com and have taught a total of 3K hours to students with varying skill levels to date.

My promise: I want to help you build consistent habits for better health.

Get physically strong, and mentally resilient so you feel good in your skin again.

My mission

I'm here to help you explore your potential, grow self-awareness, and feel the positive impact of yoga in a safe environment

i asked students, 'How would you describe me in three words?'
Transformative Power of Yoga

Yoga changed my life. It made me physically strong and flexible while bringing mental clarity and inner peace.

This journey inspired me to explore yoga further.

I tried different styles and teachings, and my passion for sharing yoga's benefits grew stronger.

Now, I'm honored to guide you on your yoga journey, helping you unlock your potential.

Students' Testimonials


Enjoy a complimentary masterclass on building core and upper body strength specifically tailored for a weight-bearing yoga practice.