Perimenopause and Alcohol: A Personal Journey to an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

Everyone else who knows me, who has been around me, and who has socialized with me, has had the same question.

Why don’t I drink?

The honest, straightforward, and most fitting answer is simple: I chose to stop. And I’m glad I only had a little pushback (not always the case for some people).

It seems we all reach a point in life where we need to reassess our relationship with alcohol.

For me, it came at the beginning of 2024. I haven’t had a drink in six months.

Here's what I've learned about not consuming alcohol so far:

My Relationship with Alcohol

I was never dependent on alcohol, but I enjoyed it. I was what you call middle lane drinker.

Whether socializing or alone at the 5 pm cocktail hour, I'd often have a glass of wine.

However, in the past year, I noticed my body reacting differently.

Post-drinking nights left me anxious and sleepless, my skin worsened, and I battled unwanted weight gain.

Early Drinking Habits

In my 20s and 30s, drinking was a social norm—weekend parties, after-work gatherings, quiet dinners—all involved wine.

It was part of my routine, a way to relax and unwind. Yet, as I entered my 40s, alcohol's effects intensified.

The morning after became increasingly uncomfortable.

Recognizing the Impact

Over time, the downsides of alcohol became impossible to overlook.

Hangovers lasted longer, sleep was disrupted, and my overall sense of well-being declined.

The occasional drink started to feel more like a burden than a pleasure. Often regretful too.

I started to question my drinking habits that pushed me over the edge to make a change.

The Decision to Stop

At the beginning of 2024, I decided to stop drinking without knowing what to expect.

Six months later, here I am at 46, still sober and feeling the best I ever have in my life.

Here are the biggest takeaways from my journey:

  • I sleep better.

  • I have more energy.

  • I look and feel healthier.

  • I lost belly fat.

  • I make healthier food choices.

  • Brain fog is gone.

  • I have a drive and enthusiasm for new things.

  • I get more done.

  • I have a better relationship with myself.

  • I enjoy better relationships with others.

The most important thing I have learned is that I don’t need alcohol to enjoy myself.

Initial Challenges

The first few weeks were interesting.

Breaking the habit of reaching for a glass of wine after a long day took effort, at times negotiation.

Social situations were tricky, too. I had to learn how to navigate parties and gatherings without feeling out of place.

I was set to reach 90 days everyone said is the turning point.

Why 90 days?

Any break is beneficial, but a 90-day break gives you enough time to start seeing results that can truly transform your life, just like it did for me.

Discovering New Pleasures

As I adapted to my new lifestyle, I discovered pleasures I had overlooked while drinking.

I began to savor my evenings (dressing up soda water became equally satisfying) and found joy in waking up early without the grogginess of a hangover.

The clarity and energy I gained were more fulfilling than any temporary buzz from alcohol.

The Impact of Alcohol on Perimenopause

Perimenopause is the natural transition before menopause, usually in women aged 40s to 50s.

During this time, hormonal fluctuations can cause various symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep disturbances.

For many women, these symptoms can be exacerbated by alcohol consumption.

Hormonal Imbalance

Alcohol can mess with your hormone levels, especially estrogen and progesterone.

During perimenopause, when these hormones are already up and down, alcohol can make things worse, causing more intense symptoms.

  1. Hot Flashes: Alcohol can really set off those hot flashes, making perimenopause even more uncomfortable.

  2. Sleep Disturbances: Drinking messes with your sleep, which is especially tough if you're already dealing with insomnia or night sweats during perimenopause.

  3. Mood Swings: Alcohol disrupts your brain chemicals, throwing off your mood, making you more anxious, and even leading to depression.

The Vicious Cycle

Navigating perimenopause brings its own set of challenges.

Lots of women find themselves reaching for alcohol to deal with the stress, anxiety, and discomfort that come with it.

But here’s the catch: while it might offer temporary relief, it often ends up making symptoms worse the next day.

It’s like being stuck in a loop of discomfort and dependence.

Personal Reflections on alcOHOL-FREE LIFESTYLE During Perimenopause

Looking back on my decision to quit drinking, I can see how much it's changed my perspective on aging.

Before I stopped, I often noticed that my symptoms were worse after a night of drinking.

Since going alcohol-free:

  • Better Sleep: Without alcohol disrupting my sleep, I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

  • Clearer Skin: My skin has has cleared up significantly. I no longer have to deal with adult acne that alcohol used to make worse.

  • Stable Weight: I’ve lost the stubborn belly fat that seemed impossible to shift while drinking, and I feel more confident in my body.

  • Mental Clarity: The brain fog has lifted, and I feel more focused and productive.

Emotional Well-being

Choosing to go alcohol-free has given me a sense of control over my life. I look better, I feel better.

I feel more emotionally balanced now.

The mood swings have eased, and the anxiety that alcohol used to worsen is gone and hasn’t returned.

I’m better at managing stress and feel more in touch with my emotions.

Socializing Without Alcohol

One of the biggest challenges for many people when they stop drinking is learning to socialize without alcohol.

I used to think that events like farewell parties, ski holidays, baby showers, birthdays, and business promotions required alcohol to be fun.

However, I’ve learned to reshape the idea that alcohol is necessary for enjoyment.

Enjoying the Moment

In the past six months, I've been to plenty of social events without drinking and still had a great time.

It turns out that good company and meaningful conversations don’t depend on a glass of wine.

I’ve found that being fully present and engaged in the moment makes social gatherings more rewarding (^^^best part, you wake up the next day knowing you kept the conversation on track and avoided any embarrassing moments!)

Support and Resources

Deciding to stop drinking can be daunting, especially if you’ve used alcohol as a social crutch or to cope with stress.

Support from others who have made the same decision can be incredibly valuable.

I received immense support from friends walking a similar path, discovered numerous podcasts including Over the Influence, and delved into many books and blog posts.

Educating myself about the effects of alcohol and the benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle has reinforced my commitment.

These resources have provided a wealth of information and inspiring stories that guided me through my first 90 days.

They were right: once you pass that milestone, there's no turning back.

Tips for Going Alcohol-Free During Perimenopause

If you’re considering reducing or eliminating alcohol from your life during perimenopause, here are some tips to help you along the way:

  1. Listen to Your Body: Notice how alcohol affects you and watch for any symptoms that worsen after drinking.

  2. Seek Support: When you connect with others who have chosen to go alcohol-free can provide encouragement and a wealth of good advice.

  3. Finding Alternatives: There are many non-alcoholic beverages out there. Restaurants are adding to the list of 0% alcohol options with array of delicious mocktails and alcohol-free wines and beers available.

  4. Focus on Self-Care: When you prioritize self-care, focus on activities that promote your well-being, (exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature) it benefits you physically and mentally.

  5. Celebrate Your Successes: Take a moment to pat yourself on the back. It’s important to recognize the steps you've taken toward positive changes in your health and well-being since quitting alcohol.

life without alcohol

I am extremely motivated to stay on this adventure.

Being aware of how it's improved my health, relationships, and well-being keeps me committed to keep going.

Giving up alcohol has completely changed my outlook on life and is helping me to reach my full potential.

It feels like I've regained a superpower and can finally see my best self.

I feel more empowered, in control, and connected to myself and others.

With this new clarity and energy, I've been able to dive into new interests and goals with excitement, enthusiasm and drive.


My journey to alcohol-free lifestyle began at the start of 2024, and six months later,

I am reaping the benefits of my decision.

I sleep better, have more energy, and feel healthier both physically and mentally.

I’ve learned that I don’t need alcohol to enjoy life, and I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the simple pleasures of socializing without it.

Perimenopause is a challenging time for many women, but giving up alcohol has made it more manageable for me.

By reassessing your relationship with alcohol and making mindful choices about your consumption, you can also experience the benefits of an alcohol-free life.

Here’s to another six months of alcohol-free lifestyle and the positive changes it continues to bring.


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